The Psychology Practice Accelerator


Build your dream practice, become the confident leader of your business, and do mission-driven work you love.

Our 10-month group coaching and implementation programme guides you through a complete personal and business transformation with:


  • Planning, feedback, and accountability to finally take action and make progress toward creating the practice you dream about
  • Long-term mentorship to guide you past stuck points with everything from tech platforms to imposter syndrome
  • AND a lifetime community of like-minded psychologists supporting your big ideas and goals.


Our next cohort starts in September 2024!


Transform Your Practice

“With the help of TPPA, I rebranded my business, stepped fully into private practice, and even wrote a book!

I actually can design a practice or work week that works for me, that does follow my values, and that does make space for me to work in a way that I never could when I worked in the NHS.”

Michaela Thomas, Clinical Psychologist and Founder at The Thomas Connection

You likely got into psychology and started a private practice because you wanted to help people AND work on your own terms.


You’d love to feel like you’re doing something truly meaningful - while earning a comfortable income.


And you’d be excited to support clients through their whole journey - with courses, communities, coaching, and other innovative offerings.

But right now it might feel like you’re on your own, pouring all of your energy into work that isn’t what you *really* want to be doing. 

You might be stuck in a place where you’re:


  • So busy with one-to-one clients, seemingly endless admin, and other day-to-day tasks that it’s challenging to find time to work on building your practice


  • Wanting to offer things other than one-to-one services but unsure where to start or how to design and sell products successfully


  • Wishing you had “passive income” streams so you didn’t have to spend so many face-to-face hours that leave you feeling drained


  • Battling imposter syndrome, lacking the confidence to leap in a new direction, and wondering if your colleagues will judge you for stepping outside the status quo


  • Feeling lost, confused, and overwhelmed about which direction to go and how to transition your business model while still earning a living

If any of those scenarios resonate for you, I want you to know you’re not alone.

There are a few common (and fixable) issues keeping many psychologists like you from thriving in private practice…

1- The “traditional” model

You’ve been led to believe that filling your diary with work, pouring yourself into supporting others, and leaving little time for yourself is the right way to build a practice. "Just be more efficient and it won't be so draining!" say the gurus.

Instead, with the right offerings, support, and systems, you can start working in a *regenerative* way that gives you energy - instead of draining it.

2- Lack of focus and direction

There are SO many things you wish you could do with your practice, but you don’t know which way to go so you stall and keep spinning your wheels.

With our guidance, you can get clear on exactly what you want your practice to look like, and have a workable plan to make progress.

3- No support or community

There’s always pressure to keep doing things the way they’ve always been done, and it’s very challenging to make big changes on your own (wondering who’s watching and judging you.)

When you’re surrounded by other psychologists who are breaking the mould alongside you, you can eliminate confusion and pursue your boldest ideas more confidently!


We address all of these (and so much more) in The Psychology Practice Accelerator, so you can learn the skills and get the immersive support to reach your most inspiring goals.

Consider how incredible it would be to have…

  • Income streams that allow you to earn a comfortable living - with less face-to-face hours and admin work


  • An exciting niche that represents your values, attracts people you love working with, and helps you become known for work you’re passionate about


  • Confidence to put yourself out there, knowing that your products and services are truly helping people and building your credibility in the eyes of your clients and colleagues


  • Freedom and time to explore your creative ideas - like writing books, starting a podcast, developing courses, or whatever feels inspiring to you


  • A comfortable income that allows you to take time off and be present for the important moments with family and friends


All of that is available to you - are you ready to claim it?

You're Invited to Join

The Psychology Practice Accelerator

A 10-month coaching and implementation programme for psychologists who want the skills, confidence, and support to thrive in private practice

Apply to Join

Inside TPPA you’ll challenge the traditional private practice paradigm through our


Thriving Practice Model

The Thriving Practice Model helps you shift in 3 essential ways:


  • Self-Healing & Community

So many of us come to private practice after toxic work experiences. We help you boost your self-belief, gain confidence in your ability to create the practice you want, and develop a sense of safety for yourself, alongside a connected community of psychologists on a similar path. 

You’ll learn to build a practice that helps you heal from hustle culture or toxic work environments you may have experienced in the past.


  • Regenerative & Diversified Products & Services

Design offerings that give life to your practice and help restore you - rather than extracting the life out of you to achieve maximum efficiency.

You’ll create an aligned ecosystem of products and services that support the people you work with, give you back your time, and help you earn more.


  • Courageous Leadership

Build a practice that feels deeply meaningful and connected to your true values. You'll develop skills to help you develop your visibility and presence in ways that feel purposeful and contained rather than shallow and self-promotional.

You’ll feel stronger within yourself and guided by a mission that expands your leadership and the impact you create in the world. 

"I don't think I would have got to where I did in such a short amount of time without the guidance of TPPA”


Dr Emma Offord

Practice Director & Clinical Psychologist at Divergent Life

“I joined TPPA because I wanted support in shifting my private practice away from expert witness work, but I lacked the confidence to do so on my own.

Through the programme, I gained the knowledge, confidence and support to develop my new brand "Pocket Family Psychologists" and online offerings like consultations and training programs.

I discovered untapped strengths in creativity and more freedom in my new brand and offerings. The group sessions and retreat provided energy, ideas, and a sense of not being alone in the challenges of private practice.

TPPA is totally worth it for psychologists who want more freedom and flexibility to do the work they're passionate about. It requires courage but the programme provides a supportive network to help overcome fears and learn the new skills you need!”

Dr Andrea Shortland
Clinical Psychologist and Practice Director at Shortland Psychology

You’ll transform your practice (and your belief in what’s possible) - with TPPA’s unique combination of


Curriculum + Coaching + Community

Not only will you get access to world-class training designed specifically for your unique needs in the field of psychology.


You’ll also have someone on hand to help you with every single step of building your practice.


  • Need help with your LinkedIn bio or email system? No problem.


  • Wondering how to define exactly who you want to work with? You’re covered.


  • Feeling scared to own the big idea you really want to pursue? We’ve got you.


Whether you need practical info about business or deep support for your self belief  - we’re with you every step of the way.

Your success starts with a proven system.


When you join TPPA, you’ll jump into the part of our TPPA Curriculum that’s most relevant for your stage of the journey.

You get the customised experience you need for your unique practice and goals, with our proprietary online training courses. You will have access to these for the lifetime of the programme so you can continue learning and referring back to them as you evolve and grow your practice:


1. The Psychologist's Design Academy

Easily take your best ideas and turn them into innovative psychology products & services that bring you a steadily growing income.

You’ll learn how to design, develop, and deliver an offer ecosystem so you can confidently transition to a regenerative model. 

2. The Psychologist's Marketing Academy

Build your confidence being visible online, connect with the clients you love to serve, and find exciting opportunities through partnerships.

You’ll choose strategies that work best for your interests, personality, and goals so you can attract opportunities for growth.

3. The Psychologist's Leadership Academy

Let go of the overwhelm and feel confident leading an effective practice team from non-clinical support staff to specialist associates and employees.

Learn how to delegate successfully so you can focus on the work that feels most fulfilling to you and take back more of your time.

4. The Psychologist's Visibility Academy

Stop being your own best kept secret and elevate your courageous leadership through speaking, writing, podcasting, partnerships and community-building.

You’ll build authority by expressing your unique ideas on a larger stage and becoming known for your expertise so the right clients seek you out.

5. The Practice Transformation Hub

You don't need to reinvent your practice from scratch when life throws you a curveball.

Our extensive library of masterclasses shows you how to transform your psychological expertise and experience into a scalable business that becomes more valuable over time.


No matter where you are in your private practice journey
(part-time, just starting, or years into your practice)


Our curriculum will teach you the tools and skills you need to evolve your practice to fit your life.

Not only over our 10 months together in the programme…

… but through any pivot you want to make for your entire career.

Here’s everything included when you say YES to the 10-month TPPA group coaching & implementation experience:

Quarterly Planning Sessions

We’ll kick off the programme (and each quarter) with planning workshops where you'll use our Practice Growth Planning System to get clear on what you want to create and what steps you need to take to get there.

You’ll design a flexible action plan for each quarter to make progress without becoming overwhelmed and burned out.

Small Group Mastermind Sessions

You’ll meet once a month via Zoom in small groups led by Wendy where you’ll share what’s working and what’s not, get guidance and feedback, and walk away with clarity and focus.

Masterminding helps you build connections with your colleagues and confidence in your capability, as well as helping you realise you're not alone on this practice-building journey.

The small group format ensures that you get individual attention and time to focus on your unique needs and goals.

One-to-One Coaching

Each quarter, you’ll meet one-on-one with Wendy to get her undivided attention on your practice. 

These sessions give you the opportunity to go deeper into strategising, work through stuck points, and get clarity around every aspect of your practice so you stay on track.

TPPA Curriculum

The entire TPPA curriculum - including videos and other resources - is available to you on-demand inside the Training Library. 

We’ll point you toward the training you need based on the challenges and goals you share in your mastermind and coaching sessions so you always know where to focus your time.

You’ll get access to every training we create during your time in the programme PLUS keep ongoing access once you finish the programme.

Live Monthly Masterclasses

These trainings go deep into topics that help you with essential aspects of developing your practice. This year, our live masterclasses are focusing on ‘Selling Psychological Services and Products to Corporates and Businesses’.

Interest in psychologists’ services from companies is at an all-time high, presenting a valuable opportunity for additional income streams.

Implementation Support & Co-Working Sessions

Every day, we have "deep work" co-working sessions you can drop into for help to implement the TPPA curriculum. Perfect for those of us who struggle with isolation or procrastination in our practices.

In addition, we have weekly Office Hours implementation sessions give you the support to crack the practical marketing, design and tech challenges in your business - with accountability and feedback to keep moving ahead and making progress!

You’ll also spend two full days on a peaceful business retreat in South West France.

Our in-person retreat in Spring 2025 will give you the opportunity to connect with your fellow TPPAers in beautiful Gascony, France. Arrive the day before, leave the day after.

You’ll enjoy accommodation attached to a private park with a pool and private paths for walks. 

You’ll have an immersive experience where you can explore how you can build regenerative principles into your practice so it remains a fulfilling and restorative place to work.

The retreat is also a space where you can identify what's working well in your practice, envision your ideal future, and make strategic decisions to get there. 

***Your enrollment in TPPA does not include the cost of travel, accommodation or food for the retreat. 

Enroll and get access to these special bonuses

Bonus #1: TPPA Support Community

Get lifetime access* to our thriving community where we celebrate each other's successes, bounce around ideas without fear of judgment, and receive empathy and support when scary challenges pop up.

This is the place where you’ll ask questions and get feedback between mastermind and coaching sessions. You always have support.

(Lifetime means for as long as we're running TPPA - and we've certainly no plans to stop!)

Bonus #2: Be a Co-Host or Guest on the Inspiring Psychologists podcast

You’ll have first opportunity to join Wendy as a guest or co-host for an episode of her podcast, Inspiring Psychologists. Gain visibility and share your work with a wider audience in a friendly space!

Bonus #3: Discounted 1:1 Sessions with Wendy

Want even more individual support as you work through the programme? You can book additional coaching sessions with Wendy, on top of the three sessions already included, for a special rate only available to TPPAers!

TPPA includes everything you need to…

Go from this…

  • Feeling lost, confused, and overwhelmed about how to build your practice sustainably
  • Trapped in 1:1 work or a time-for-money model you’ve been taught is “best practice”
  • Buying random courses (that you never finish) and trying to cobble together a successful growth plan
  • Waiting to “find clarity” before you take action and never making progress
  • Letting imposter syndrome and lack of confidence hold you back from doing what you really want to
  • Hopping into a trendy niche or trying to copy someone else’s success and not feeling fulfilled
  • Worrying about finances and how you’ll ever transition to a new model

To this…

  • Having clear goals and a plan to make them happen
  • Transitioning out of 1:1 work, introducing products, and creating income that isn’t based on your time
  • Having an entire system and strategy that gives you everything you need to grow in one place
  • Taking inspired action that creates the clarity and momentum you need as you go
  • Finding your voice and confidence so you can express yourself creatively and become a recognised leader in your space.
  • Designing a niche and focus for your work that’s totally YOU and gives you a sense of purpose
  • Knowing you can offer a range of products and services that bring in more than enough income - and have a plan to make that transition

Apply to join The Psychology Practice Accelerator

Spots are limited!

Single Payment

£4295 inc VAT

12 Monthly Payments

12 x £358/month inc VAT

Other price breakdowns are available. Just ask us during your application call.

Our next cohort runs September 23, 2024 - July 25, 2025

Apply for TPPA
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Hi there, I'm Wendy Kendall, Principal Coach at Inspiring Psychology Practices and your TPPA mentor.


I started my career as a psychologist in the UK public sector, but I quickly ran out of promotion possibilities and experienced burnout.

At age 29, I moved overseas with my young family and set up my own private practice. How hard could it be, right?

Ten years later, with many ups and downs along the way, I was associate partner of a global talent development consultancy turning over nearly a million euros a year.

But... I realised I had inadvertently built someone else's brand instead of my own.

Determined to change that, I shifted my focus back to my own practice, drawing from my experiences to create a distinct identity and brand.

This also led to me winning an international competition with LinkedIn in 2016.

With this success came the notice of colleagues who started asking if they could 'pick my brains.' 

Their questions sparked a realisation for me— as psychologists in private practice we weren't able to access talent development programmes like I was running for global companies. There was nowhere for psychologists to go to get world-class development for themselves and their practices. 

I had a unique combination of experiences that I could share with other psychologists to help them grow their leadership and businesses.

I launched The Psychology Practice Accelerator in 2017, and have since supported over 70 inspiring psychologists in the programme. That number is now accelerating year on year.

It's genuinely humbling when I hear remarks on the transformation people see in their colleagues after working with us…

"They seem different, more themselves. You can tell they’ve been Wendy’d”

It’s not about the hype, or even the increase in revenue. 

It's the newfound clarity, consistency, and confidence with which our clients build their innovative, diversified private practices.

I love seeing them recognised for their true selves, bringing this authenticity into the heart of their work with clients.

They’re connecting with their joy, passion, creativity and purpose.

I’d LOVE to help you do the same.


Here’s what more of our alumni have to say…

“Three years on, my business is thriving!”


Dr Romy Sherlock, Director and Clinical Psychologist, Retraining Pain

“Having the supportive community is such a highlight”


Dr Hannah Bryan, Director and Clinical Psychologist, The EMDR Supervisor & MindSync EMDR Training

“It’s been a journey of self-discovery and pushing the limits of what could be.”


Dr Vicki Uwannah, Chartered Counselling Psychologist, Dr Vicki Liberty Therapies

Our 14-Day Guarantee

We’re confident that The Psychology Practice Accelerator can transform your private practice, and we want you to feel just as confident when you join.

So if you enroll and decide the programme isn’t a fit - simply email us within 14-days of signing your agreement, and we’ll refund the investment you’ve made.

Answers to some questions you might be asking:

Every week we’re sharing WINS like these in our TPPA Community

You and I both know that TPPA isn’t your only option for support in growing your practice.


But the fact that you’re reading this means those other options might not have been what you were hoping for.


Here’s how TPPA stacks up against those others (and why it’s the BEST choice…)

Other programmes


 Generic online business training that doesn’t take into account the sensitive nature of a psychology-focused business and doesn't understand how to position and package the unique value psychologists offer. 

❌ No experience of what it takes to offer psychology-based products and services to corporates and businesses.

Limited support that may leave you feeling confused or overwhelmed as you try to implement on your own.

Lack of community or people who “get” what you’re doing so you feel isolated in your private practice.

❌ Strategies that force you to market your offers or package your products a certain way and leave you dependent on the coach or mentor for growth or change.

Focus on '10Xing your income' or prioritising big external “success” milestones without accounting for the risk of burnout and subsequent loss of time and confidence.





✅ Curriculum designed specifically for psychologists by a practicing psychologist with 20+ years in private practice and 27+ years experience as a psychologist.

Decades of experience creating and selling psychology-based products and services to corporates, business and third sector organisations.

One-to-one and small group support to guide you through every step, offer feedback, and hold you accountable for a full 10 months.

Lifetime access to a community of like-minded psychologists to connect, collaborate, and get continued support, even after the programme ends.

✅ Skills-focused training to help you harness the capabilities you already have as a psychologist to evolve your practice to fit your life - any time you want to make a shift. Your practice, your way!

Focus on 10Xing your confidence and personal growth which inevitably leads to more sustainable success in your practice.

Regular implementation sessions give you the dedicated time and space to focus and work on your business - with accountability and feedback to keep moving ahead and making progress!

Ready to enroll?

Here’s how to get started:

Apply to reserve your space


Doors for TPPA open just once a year for a September start date.

Spots are limited and people have been reserving throughout the year - so don’t wait!

Chat with Wendy to see if TPPA is a good fit for you


You’ll schedule a 15-minute call with Wendy to discuss joining TPPA.

You can ask any and all questions you need to make sure this is the right programme for your goals.

Join and build your thriving practice!


Get ready for a transformational journey for you and your practice.

Get noticed and hired by your best-fit clients, referral sources, and the community you want to serve.

Apply for TPPA

Here’s one final look at what’s included with The Psychology Practice Accelerator:

  • Monthly group mastermind sessions
  • Three individual coaching sessions
  • Three quarterly planning workshops
  • Monthly live masterclasses
  • Monthly implementation workshops and support
  • Psychologist Training Library
  • 2-day Business Retreat in South West France*
  • BONUS 1: Lifetime membership of The TPPA Alumni - our entrepreneur psychologist community
  • BONUS 2: Guest spot on the Inspiring Psychology Podcast
  • BONUS 3: Discounted additional 1:1 sessions with Wendy


* Retreat travel, accommodation and food are not included in the programme price (but we will help you organise your travel if you need it!)

Single Payment

£4295 inc VAT

12 Monthly Payments

12 x £358/month inc VAT

Other price breakdowns are available. Just ask us during your application call.

Our next cohort runs September 23, 2024 - July 25, 2025

Apply for TPPA