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A turquoise river flows between two wooded banks. Photo is taken from above looking down.

Stuck on Private Practice Niching? How to find your flow in your practice niche.

marketing niching Oct 22, 2024

I know many of you have been struggling with the concept of "niching" in your private practice. You've likely been told that you need to carve out a specific niche, to become the go-to expert for a particular problem or population.

But something about this approach doesn't sit right, does it? It feels limiting, maybe even inauthentic.

Let me share a little secret with you about this whole "niching" business.

Did you know that the word "niche" originally referred to a recess in a wall, typically in a cave or a church, where a statue or religious icon would be placed? People would then perform their devotions in front of this icon.

Sound familiar?

It's eerily similar to how we're often advised to approach marketing in our field—carve out an "ideal client," put them on a pedestal, and then perform our marketing efforts for this idealised representation.

No wonder it feels uncomfortable!

We're psychologists, not performers. Our work is dynamic, evolving, deeply personal. It can't be confined to a static space or reduced to a performance for an imaginary audience.

So, what if instead of thinking about niching as carving out a static, rigid space, we reimagined it as something more fluid, more aligned with the work we do?


The River Metaphor: A New Way to View Your Practice

Imagine your practice as a river, a flowing, living entity that connects two essential elements: you and your clients.

  • On one bank of the river, there’s you—the practitioner. This bank represents your personal and professional history, values, experiences, and the deeper reasons you do this work. It’s the essence of who you are as a psychologist and a person. (In marketing, this sometimes is referred to as your personal brand.)

  • On the other bank, we have your clients. This bank represents their lives—their stories, struggles, and aspirations. It reflects where they are when they first reach out to you and where they hope to be on their journey toward healing and growth.

And the river that flows between these two banks? That’s your niche.

Unlike the rigid, static image of a carved-out space, this niche is a dynamic, ever-changing space where your expertise meets your clients’ needs. It’s a living metaphor that allows your practice to breathe, grow, and adapt.

This flow of connection, conversation, and story in your practice is what I call your practice’s 'Essential Story'—it’s always evolving, just like you, your clients, and your practice products and services.

Your Essential Story underpins your marketing efforts, the copy on your website, and it helps you diversify your products and services in a way that is coherent and maximises long-term value creation. It also builds reciprocity between you and the communities you serve.


Why This Metaphor Liberates Practitioners When it Comes to Niching

  1. It’s Dynamic: A river is always moving and evolving, just like our work. We constantly learn, grow, and adapt to the shifting needs of our clients. The traditional niche feels static and confining—this metaphor reflects the real flow and evolution of our practice.

  2. It’s Interconnected: The river doesn’t exist without both banks. Your practice is shaped by both who you are as a practitioner and who your clients are. It’s a reciprocal relationship, not a performance for an idealised audience.

  3. It Allows for Depth and Breadth: A river can be wide or narrow, deep or shallow. This metaphor gives you room to specialise (depth) while also acknowledging the wide range of human experiences and different kinds of people your practice may touch (breadth).

  4. It Acknowledges the Journey: Rivers have upstream and downstream flows. You can think about how you support clients at different stages of their journey—from preventative work upstream to ongoing support downstream, allowing you to meet their needs at various points.

  5. It’s More Authentic: Instead of feeling pressured to "perform" for a narrowly defined audience, this approach allows you to be true to yourself while meeting your clients where they are. It embraces the richness and authenticity of the unfolding and evolving relationship, giving you avenues to expand and diversify your practice.

How to Explore the Niche 'River' that Flows in Your Practice

  1. Defining Your Bank: Take time to reflect on your personal and professional journey. What experiences, skills, and values have shaped you as a practitioner? This is your foundation—the solid bank from which your practice flows.

  2. Understanding Your Clients’ Landscape and History: Dive deep into the stories of the clients you want to serve. What are their needs, hopes, and struggles? How do they move through their lives, and what are they looking for when they come to therapy? Who are they are people and what stories have shaped their lives, leading them to work with you now and in the future?

  3. Exploring the Flow: Where do your skills and experiences intersect with your clients’ needs and aspirations? This is the dynamic space where you create a meaningful impact. Instead of a pre-defined niche, you’re crafting a unique and coherent suite of offers that resonates with both you and your clients.

  4. Embracing the Journey: Consider how you can support clients at different stages of their growth. Can you offer "upstream" resources, like preventative interventions or community education? How do you continue to support them "downstream" as they move beyond the immediate crisis? What might healing, transformation and growth look like?

Moving Beyond the Niche Box

The river metaphor invites us to move beyond the restrictive notion of carving out a niche as a static role. Instead, it’s about embracing the flow of our practice—where our passion, skills, and values meet the ever-changing needs of our clients.

You’re not just filling a niche—you’re creating a unique, evolving space where genuine connection and transformation can occur. Your river, this Essential Story shapes every aspect of your practice—from your marketing to the services you provide—and it ensures coherence while fostering a sense of reciprocal value between you and your community.

Niching as Storytelling: A River Waiting to Be Explored

Your practice isn’t a static service or a marketing performance. It’s a story—a living, flowing narrative that only you can create.

By embracing the river metaphor, you allow yourself to build a practice that feels expansive and authentic.

No one else has your exact combination of experiences, values, and skills meeting the unique needs of your clients. Our regenerative mentor, Carol Sanford, refers to this as 'non-displaceability in the market'. 

So, step away from the rigid, uncomfortable idea of niching, and instead, dive into your practice river. Explore its banks, its depths, and its currents. Let it flow, change, and grow alongside your clients’ needs.

You’re not filling a niche with an icon—you’re creating a flowing space for healing, growth, and transformation.

And that is so much more powerful than any marketing niche could ever be.

Are you ready to explore your practice river? I can’t wait to see where it takes you.



If you're ready to dive into uncovering the Essential Story of your practice, we've got a free workshop to help you get started. You can access it here. And if you’d like personalised guidance to explore your Essential Story in depth, you can book a coaching session with Wendy here.